Friday, November 30, 2018

CSBA Presentation: Creating a Communications Internship to Brand Your School District

Arcadia USD has created a Digital Communications Internship program to help tell the district's story in order to help recruit the best teachers and students, advocate for funding via parcel tax and bond measures and create community engagement and support. More than 30 students participate in the internship program and work for the Public Information Office. The student-interns serve as news reporters who cover the entire school district. Since creating the program, Arcadia USD has received a drastic increase of positives stories in the local media and on social media. The internship program, which won an "Excellence in Communications" Award from the California School Public Relations Association, has partnered with two local news publications and has stories published regularly. Ryan Foran, Chief Communications Officer, Arcadia USD Cung Nguyen, Board Member, Arcadia USD David Vannasdall, Superintendent, Arcadia USD. 


Wednesday, November 7, 2018

4 Unique and Easy Ideas to Increase Social Media Engagement Podcast

Your social media pages don’t need to be all about you! Get tuned into your community and become a source and resource of valuable information for your followers. There are four unique and easy posts you can add to your social media strategy that will help drastically increase engagement almost immediately. The common theme among all four is “community.”

1. Scenic Photos

2. Sports Teams

3. Local Fire, Police, Utilities, City

4. Breaking News

Get creative and think about what posts are “universal” and appeal to the majority of your audience. What can most of your followers relate to? Listen to the podcast for more details and specifics on these four social media engagement strategies.